The Concert Hall & The Riding House,
Aarhus, Denmark 8th & 9th December 2000
This years SPOT has been turned off - is closed - but we like to think that it still glows in the heart of those who attended SPOT 07. From what we have heard, both the audience, guest, media and the bands were very positive about the festival. This, in our opinion, makes SPOT 07 a success.

The future will tell us if also the bands and musicians got a benefit from playing at SPOT 07. Many of them have been contacted by representatives of the music-branch and some will get more jobs, some will even get a good contact to other countries. It will be exciting to see what will happen.

Again this year the other Nordic countries were represented at SPOT 07. The connection to the music-scene of the Nordic countries got strengthened through seminars,exchange of experiences and off course through the music. We hope that some benefitted from this, and even more enjoyed this aspect of the SPOT-event.

At last - an event like SPOT 07 could not be possible without those, who wants to take part in a living and inspiring music-scene. Therefore a big thank you goes out to all of whom we collaborated with, the bands who played, the people who attended and the many helping hands from volunteers.

Click here to view photos from SPOT 07
The site will be updated continiously by our four brilliant photographers, who worked overtime to document SPOT 07 at its best.
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